
Office of Procurement & Auxiliary Services

The Office of Procurement & Auxiliary Services is located in Kent Wyatt Hall suite 221. Our regular office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding IHL approved holidays.

The Office of Procurement & Auxiliary Services promotes the objectives of Delta State University by providing administrators, faculty, and staff members necessary supplies, equipment, and services. The Office of Procurement & Auxiliary Services is centralized under the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

Completion of the purchasing process involves the joint effort of the Office of Procurement & Auxiliary Services, user departments, and vendors. However, the Office of Procurement Services has the final authority to conduct and conclude agreements concerning prices and conditions of sale. University commitments are made by the Office of Procurement Services in accordance with requisitioning and ordering procedures.

To achieve the overall objectives of the Office of Procurement & Auxiliary Services, the responsibilities, authorities and controls set forth in this policy must be adhered to by all employees.

The primary responsibility of the Office of Procurement Services is to obtain supplies, equipment, and services, with the objective that they will be available in the right quantity and quality, at the right price, from the right source, and in a timely and organized manner that will provide for essential accountability of Delta State University expenditures. This balancing of several factors is critical.

Other segments of Procurement Services’ objectives:

A. Comply, in all respects, with all applicable laws set forth in the Mississippi Code and regulations established by the Office of Purchasing and Travel.
B. Seek reliable alternate sources of supply to meet the university’s requirements to promote competition on the open market.
C. Treat all prices and technical information submitted by suppliers as confidential to preserve a good business reputation and obtain competitive prices.
D. Provide leadership in the standardization of commodities, equipment, and procedures to ensure maximum value per dollar spent.
E. Resolve complaints on all purchased goods and services.
F. Dispose of, to the best advantage, all material and equipment declared to be surplus or obsolete.

Veronica Burchfield oversees Property Control. For any property related questions, comments, or problems please contact Procurement Services at – 4046 or


Equipment Disposal Request
Equipment Transfer Request
Hand Receipt
Lost or Stolen Property Affidavit
Property Donation Transmittal Form
Auction Request Form

New Equipment Form

The Office of Procurement Services strives for excellence in all of our purchasing and accounts payable functions.  One of our main priorities is to achieve this excellence with the greatest customer satisfaction possible.  We would like for you to please let us know how we are doing.  If you have any suggestions on how we could improve our operations to better serve you, just click the feedback button below and send us your ideas, complaints, or comments.